
Psalm 119:129-36 – Prayer for deliverance

The psalmist regards the word of God as amazing (v. 129). The commandments are so attractive that he delights to obey what the Lord requires. As he examines them and opens them up to scrutiny by meditation and use, he discovers that they deal with all kinds of situations, no matter how dark and difficult they might seem to be initially.

At the same time, they provide guidance for the unlearned and untrained (v. 130). They can be given to anyone, and anyone will be helped by them as they are practised. Indeed, the psalmist is like a person hungry for a delicious meal (v. 131). God’s word is the only food that truly satisfies his soul.

As indicated in previous sections, the psalmist was experiencing problems from other people. He therefore comes to God with the Aaronic blessing in mind when he asks for divine favour (v. 132). Such favour is the common experience of God’s people, and the psalmist is stating here that God is faithful in providing grace to those who are in a covenant relationship with him. Their love for God is evidence of that relationship, and the love is described as an appreciation of his character (revealed in his name).

The psalmist confesses that he needs the Lord’s enablement to walk correctly. He also knows that the Lord has promised to provide him with guidance regarding the path he should choose, and he realised that it was important to pray about his daily walk because it would have been easy to make a wrong decision and find himself overcome by sin and its consequences (v. 133).

The attacks of his opponents were preventing him from serving God as best as he could. Therefore, he asked the Lord to rescue him from their attempts to limit his influence (v. 134). He wanted to obey God all the time, and he desired that his obedience be uncurtailed by opposition.

This would happen if the Lord was gracious to him and continued to teach him (v. 135). He was distressed that people did not keep God’s law. His face was marked by tears, but it was a face that was pleasing to God (v. 136). It was a face from whom the Lord would not turn away his face. Therefore, the psalmist had hope.

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