
Psalm 119:105-12 - Commitment

The psalmist confesses that God’s word enables him to walk according to God’s ways. He was determined to walk in such a path and had even sworn an oath to do so, perhaps confirming it by offering a sacrifice at the temple (vv. 105-06).

It was the case in ancient times that people would carry a light when they moved around in the darkness. The source of light was close to them. In our spiritual journeys, the word of God should be shining in our hearts. Obviously, we should be dedicated to him, and one help in that regard is to recall our baptism when God's name was put on us.

The psalmist had walked in this manner even although he had experienced problems. But his difficulties had not reduced his commitment to his God. Instead, he asked the Lord to give him the spiritual energy to continue (v. 107). He made this request because he knew that he would be heard and answered.

His commitment was one of personal choice and he gladly praised God for the opportunity of living such a life as the Lord had taught (v. 108). He did this even although he knew that things were precarious and that his life was uncertain (v. 109). But there was nothing, not even deadly snares laid by his enemies, that could make him move away from obedience to God (v. 110).

The psalmist desired to obey God permanently because his rules had brought him great joy already (v. 111). He dedicated himself again to a life of obedience (v. 112). This inclination was evidence that the grace of God was working in his heart and life.

This section of the psalm raises for us the reality of our commitment to God. 

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