
Psalm 121 - Travelling together

There are at least two speakers in this psalm. One person speaks in verses 1 and 2, and he hears a response from one or more people in the remaining verses. The picture is of travellers conversing together, or to put it another way they are having fellowship together as they walk to Zion for the annual feasts.

As they walk along, one of them comments about the hills and does so in a manner that causes him to want the Lord's help. Two reasons were behind this concern. One is that bandits could hide on the hills and suddenly attack the travellers. Another is that pagan temples and other signs of idolatry could be seen on the hills, a reminder to the travellers that they were going through enemy country.

The speaker is thankful that he can tell his companions that he knows that the almighty God can help them. He has revealed his power in his creation, and if such a God is for them, what does it matter who or what is against them?

As we can see from the pronouns, he receives a response in verses 3-8. Travellers would worry about the condition of the roads - there could potholes or snakes to avoid. Those going to Zion have a Companion who is concerned about their feet, and who constantly watches each footstep. 

Their Companion also is their guard from enemies - usually a band of travellers would post a guard at nightfall, but sometimes he would fall asleep. The Lord is not like that - he does not slumber but is always protecting his people. 

In addition, the Lord functions as a shade for the travellers whether from the heat at noonday or from the cold at night. The obvious conclusion to be drawn from the faithfulness of the Lord is that he will guide, guard and shield his people as they journey through life.

That was a good conversation for travellers to have. Now, what will we speak about today?

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