
Psalm 93 - God is Great

The psalm begins with a great affirmation that the covenant Lord reigns. In what way does he reign? The author reminds us that God always wears the insignia of majesty. For earthly kings, their robes are symbolic and are often take off and stored away. In contrast, God always exercises his abilities.

The belt that holds the robes together is divine strength. God is omnipotent. What could he do if he were not? His wisdom would not achieve what he wanted, his actions could be prevented, his expressions of love could be hindered. But his omnipotence ensures that his will is done, his actions take place, and his love is received by his people.

The clearest evidence on a daily basis of God’s kingship is his control of creation. Nothing in the universe can change the ongoing fact that God reigns as the sovereign of it all. Even the seas, with all their restless energy, cannot shake his throne. At times, they can shake much of the earth, such as with tsunamis and high tides. But those expressions of power do not shake God’s throne.

What conclusion should we come to as we worship the Lord? Worship is in the psalmist’s mind because he refers to God’s house. It is appropriate for us to recognise that the sovereign God is trustworthy, that he uses his power for us and not against us. In worship, we gladly acknowledge that fact.

Moreover, since he possesses such power, we should express reverence in his presence. Worship time is not an occasion for flippancy and lightness. God is worthy of sober consideration. Our approach to him must be marked by awe of his glory as well as gladness because of his grace.


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