What should one think about when in church? The author is participating in the worship of God, and he tells us what he was thinking about.
First, he is conscious that the Lord reigns, and since that is the case the nations should tremble. His throne room is the holy of holies and the throne is the ark of the covenant. The signs of his presence cannot be seen because access was not allowed to that room apart from once a year on the Day of Atonement. But the fact that he was there should cause the earth to quake (v. 1).
Second, he knows that it is appropriate for all nations to worship God. The God of Israel is not like idols that were limited to a geographical area, with each being given their own space. His God is the God of the whole earth (v. 2).
Third, he recognises the uniqueness of God, revealed in his name Yahweh. It is a title that stated his uniqueness, that he self-existent and eternal. He is far above all possible gods, and his exaltation is so high that it can only be described as holiness. God is not just different, he is infinitely greater than the best we can imagine (v. 3).
Fourth, he is aware that God judges people for their actions. He had done so many times in the history of his people. The fact is that the Lord loves justice and fairness, and he will condemn those who oppose it (v. 4).|
Fifth, he recalls notable servants of the Lord from the past. He mentions Moses, Aaron and Samuel. They had great authority in Israel, but although they were highly privileged believers he judged them for their sins (vv. 6-8). True, they were forgiven by him; true, he answered their prayers; but it is also true that he chastised them for their sins.
The point of the psalm is mentioned in verses 5 and 9. We worship him for the relationship we have with him, our God. We worship him at the appointed place to do so, here said to be Zion, which is both his footstool and his mountain. As his footstool, his people obey him and it is through them as a mountain that he displays his power. So when they gather to worship him, they exalt him by rehearsing his actions.
Why do we worship God. For the same reasons as this author. He recognised God’s sovereignty, his geographical reach, his uniqueness, his love of justice and his treatment of his people. We do the same when we gather for worship.